Unleash the
Cuteo Timeline

  • First sight
    I saw a beautiful girl for the first time in lab and looked her in the eyes. She was so cute that I couldn't resist.

  • Cuteo approaches
    I was walking around normally and this beautiful lady asked me for help. I helped her and then walked away, this would repeat two or three times and now the problems started looking dumb as well and I figured something is going on. Later she would raise her hand up and when I went to her she would say "Can I get your student id so I can send you email if I need help", to which I got confused and said "Student ID?" and she would then say "Or instagram, so I can ask for help". I would then proceed to give her my instagram, we did some small talk and then she would send me a request. I accepted the request and then sent her a follow request. She accepted that immediatelty

  • First Date
    This day cuteo and I went on a walk in Brunel and this is the first day cuteo touched my hand and we would hold each others hands. And that holding of hands took me to another world, a beautiful world. We would go behind accom buildings and hug there for hours straight and missed our lectures. My underwear was filled with pre-cum. And cuteo uploaded a story and I didn't say anything because I didn't want to lose her.

  • First 12h call
    Cuteo and I talked straight for 12h for the first time.

  • My birthday
    Cuteo came to my house and we celebrated my birthday, ordered a pizza and cuteo was laying on me

  • Cuteo stepped in her flight to Pakistn
    This was the first day I missed cuteo so much and I realised how I can't live without her, before that I wanted cuteo to talk less with me, but since she went to Pakistan, I would miss her so much and to this day I can't live without talking to cuteo for even one second. When I don't talk, it feels like I am dying

  • The happiest day of this year
    Finally, after 2 months of waiting, cuteo was caming back to UK. I was so happy I didn't know what to do, since cuteo messaged me that she is in plane, I was waiting to eagerly to meet her that every second felt like a year.

  • I would meet cuteo for the first time after 2 months
    I had created a video for cuteo, setup the room with the rose, scented candle and the video on my montior. I would bring cuteo in the room, give her the flowers and show her the video. Then I would hug cuteo so much because I missed her so much. Then later we had a big fight because cuteo did a very bad thing in Pakistan and wouldn't admit her fault.

  • Cuteo Birthday
    It was Ramazan so we couldn't really celebrate cuteo's birthday like we did mine. I am really really sorry cuteo, I love you so much cuteo

  • First day out with cuteo
    Me and cuteo went to Central London together and went to so many places and had soooo much fun. I want to do this again and again with cuteo. I want to be with cuteo all the time, go to Central London, France, Switzerland, Dubai, Pakistan and even do Umrah and Hajj with my cuteo. In Sha Allah.

  • Current Larai
    I know cuteo was sad, its her haq to be sad, but cuteo wasn't just sad but angry for no reason. I tried calming her down, talked nicely with pyaar, tried to do everything in my power to calm cuteo down but she would just keep getting worse, and then I broke. At this point I controlled myself, I was angry but not too angry and was still trying to sort things out. But then, cuteo nuked me, destroyed me. And I blocked cuteo on WhatsApp and Call for about a day.

  • Cuteo marries me
    It will be the best day of my life when